Yoga simplifies your life. This statement is more of a disclaimer than an advertisement.
Yoga TTC brochures should have this message:
“DISCLAIMER!! Your life after this might be different from what it is now and the people around you might not like it or understand it completely — (but it will be beautiful)”
Because one thing that is sure to happen to you once you take up the yoga path is that, the yoga philosophy seeps into your everyday life habits and relationships. And this unavoidably changes the way you see things around you. Others would then easily distinguish between the you-before-yoga and the you-after-yoga. (Some would not understand the cause of the change and think “why is this guy/girl acting weird?”)
So what really changes?
Why does yoga have such an impact on the student regardless of their previous state of mind?
Let’s look at some of the Yamas-Niyamas (yoga principles) to understand this:
Sathya (Truthfulness) — This Yama is about how true you can be with others and in turn with yourself. Simply acting from truth simplifies your life tremendously. Because-
“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything — meaning, it takes more effort to lie than it does, to tell the truth.” — Mark Twain
Ahimsa (Peace and compassion to all living beings) — There cannot be a better example of this than Mahatma Gandhiji’s choice of weapon. If Gandhi had chosen to take up violence as a weapon, India’s independence would be of question. So it’s unquestionable that compassion is the best tool of persuasion.
“He who lacks of peace and firmness cannot realize god” — M.K.Gandhi
Asteya & Aparigraha (non-stealing and non-hoarding) — You might start to be a minimalist in the things you buy, the food you eat, in the relationships around you, or the words you use to communicate. A huge de-clutter will happen inevitably.
Brahmacharya — It means celibacy in plain terms. But more than that, it is about not wasting our energy on temporary pleasures and using it for a higher purpose instead.
“Minimalism is not about having less. It is about making room for more of what matter”
Santosha (Contentment) — When you understand that there is literally nothing in your control, all that matters is how you take things as they occur to you! When you begin to completely surrender to what is, you will stop wasting so much energy thinking about what could be.
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship” — Buddha
Tapas & Svadhyaya (Discipline & Self inquiry) — There is a problem with most of the self-development books/courses out there. It’s the fact that it follows a one-size-fit-all strategy that inevitably leaves many confused and let down. The solution given by yoga is simple — Read yourself more than you read other’s advice. This thing simplifies life multi-fold.
“Through self-discipline comes freedom” — Aristotle
“If you are really courageous, really really courageous, then shoot inwards; Hit the real jackpot” — Acharya Prashant
Are you into yoga? Do you know all the Yamas and Niyamas?
What are the changes that you see in yourself after taking up yoga??